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Everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe” (Working Together 2018)

At Nene Valley, our aim is to establish a whole community safeguarding culture.  In order to achieve this we ensure that Include all staff and visiting adults pay close attention to:

Key Policies and Documents

Key Practice and Procedures



To support this we build in a 'Safeguarding cycle' which includes regular updates and training on relevant documents.  Awareness of children and noticing changes; in child behaviour, personality or comments.  Following up on concerns and joint supervision of insignificant cases, which can include weekly welfare meetings to discuss vulnerable children.  Monitoring attendance with half termly reviews.  Leadership involvement at all stages and including external professionals as required.  Visitors wear lanyards and staff have badges so adults are easily identifiable. 

At Nene Valley we practice Continual vigilance:  It could happen anywhere!

Please answer these 4 questions to clarify some of your understanding of Safeguarding.  If you have any questions please contact one of the designated safeguarding leads.

Who is responsible for Safeguarding at Nene Valley?


Which one of these is not a Category of Abuse (as defined in The Children Act 1989):  Emotional Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Neglect, Sexual Abuse?

Domestic Abuse is not specifically defined, the missing one is Physical Abuse

The Prevent Duty is About...

Preventing Radicalisation

Concerns about E-Safety have been divided into further 4 areas of risk?

Conduct, Contact, Content and Commerce